St. Agnes School Board Minutes - July

St. Agnes School Advisory Council Minutes

July 22, 2014

6:30 p.m.


Roll Call:  The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m.  Present:  Jessica Preister, Wes Christensen, Deb Gapp, Fr. John Fischer and Darla Hamm.  Matt Knutson and Becky Thomas were absent.

Approval of the Agenda:   Jessica moved to approve the agenda with the addition of Resignation and Classified Employee “Contracts”, Deb seconded.

Approval of the Minutes:  Jessica moved to approve the April and May meeting minutes, Deb seconded.

Principal Report:  Mrs. Hamm reported that the SASD Leadership Conference in Deadwood was very inspirational this year.  One of the sessions was the Top 20 which is about building a positive school culture.  Mrs. Gregoire, Mrs. Roerig and Mrs. Hamm will be attending a free conference on the Top 20 on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.  Registration is scheduled for Wednesday, August 13, from 4:30-7:00 p.m.  The first day of school will be Wed., Aug. 20.


Teacher Report:  There was no teacher report this month.  Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Herbster will be the new advisors for Student Council.

Red & Gold Report:  Mrs. Thomas reported that they are waiting for the Smart Board to be installed.  Gail will be doing billing and accounting as of 8/1/14.  She received the grant for the ProCare software and other materials.

PTSA Report:  Darla Tassler declined her nomination as co-president.  Maggie Burbach was contacted, and she has agreed to stay on as Co-President with Grant Sorensen.  Their first meeting next year will be Tuesday, September 2nd.   

Financial Report:  June financial statements were reviewed.  Darla will check with Gail on administrative line item #6113 and Instructional line item #6117.  She will also get the detail on line item #3245.  Overall, we were about $15,000 under budget for the year, which is good.

Old Business: 

·        St. Agnes School Classic Report:  Darla will have Gail run a report for the Classic for next month.

·        Tuition Assistance Update:  There are 8 families that have requested tuition assistance so far, for a total of $11,145.  Darla is sure there will be about 5 more families that will be requesting around $10,000, for a total of about $21,000.

·        Budget for 2014-15:  Gail has not finalized the 2013-14 school year, due to interest and things coming in that need to be applied to the 2013-14 school year.  She has input the numbers into the budget, but will not be able to get us a printout quite yet.

New Business:

·        Campaign/Construction Update:  Fr. John reported that they are very busy at the school.  The tile and bricks are all in.  Bill Saunders will come in to do the spray foam insulation later this week.  The carpet was removed and the floors were buffed.  They are finishing up the duct work and framing.  The lights will be put in last.  We picked out the carpet for the 3rd grade room, and it will be used for the addition.  We also received permission to go ahead with Phase 2, the new addition.  The dirt work will begin soon.  Phase 3 is the parking lot, we will do some of that in conjunction with Phase 2.

·        Promoting ACH for Tuition:  Gail requested having all families on Tuition Assistance be required to use ACH.  Fr. John and Darla are not in favor of requiring it.  Instead they would like to have them sign a contract and encourage them to use it and the Certificate Program.  We can promote its use more at Registration. 

·        Classified Employee “Contracts” – Darla has changed the contracts for the classified/hourly employees.  We cannot, in accordance with SD law, call them “contracts”.  They have been updated and will now be signed job descriptions.  The council members reviewed and found no changes.

·        Resignation – Becky Thomas submitted her letter of resignation to Darla today.  Her last day will be Friday, August 15th.  Darla will get the job opening information submitted to the bulletin and papers soon.

Executive Session:  There was not a need for executive session.

Adjournment:  The meeting was moved to adjourn by Deb, seconded by Jessica at 7:29.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 26, 2014, at 6:30 p.m, in the Parish Hall.  Mrs. Hamm would prefer not to have the meeting on the third Tuesday due to school starting the next day.

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