December Newsletter


Merry Christmas!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The first week of Advent  begins on Sunday.  A class will prepare the Advent service each week for the school.  Advent Services will be held in the gym at 9:00 a.m. on Dec. 5th, 12th, and 19th.  Everyone is welcome to join us!

      Wow!  We have been very busy this fall with service projects!  I am so excited that we have been able to teach our students about the importance of serving and giving to those in need.  The students have served people at the Welcome Table, raked leaves for people in our neighborhood, packed bags for the Backpack program, played games with residents at the Care Center, and more.  Thanks for all of your help with our many different service projects!

     The Respect Life Office of the Diocese of Sioux Falls is in their 20th year of sponsoring a Diocesan wide “Advent Baby Shower.”  The project consists of asking each family to send a new, unwrapped item birth to 12 months.  Suggested items are: bottles, bibs, sleepers, hats, jackets, snowsuits, rattles, receiving blankets, sheets, diapers, lotions, etc. Gifts will be distributed in the Vermillion area.

     Look for our St. Agnes School tree in The Parade of Trees at the W.H. Over Museum on Sun., Dec. 3rd.

Announcements from the Office

Dates to Remember:

PTSA Meeting: Tues. Dec. 4th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Library—Guest Speaker from SDPB

The Christmas Music Program will be on Wednesday, Dec. 12th at 7:00 p.m.

School will dismiss on Fri., Dec. 21 at 2:00. No School Dec. 22-Jan. 6. Classes will resume Mon. Jan. 7th at 8:20 a.m.

Family Faith Fun

Need a fun activity that you can do with your family to prepare your hearts and home for Jesus?

-Student Council we will be selling Chocolate Nativity Advent Calendars. There is a Bible verse and a piece of chocolate for each day. If you would like to purchase one you can send in a check (to St. Agnes School) or cash, in a labeled envelope. The calendars are $5 each; we only have about 50 left.

Have a Blessed Advent!  Please take time during this Season of Advent to prepare your hearts and homes for the coming of the Christ Child!  “Families that pray together stay together!”


Darla Hamm, Principal


Phone: 624-4144


